Sugar detoxing tips, ideas for smart snacks, and other info to help you experience better sleep, regain natural energy, and amplify your health & fitness results!
5-Day Sugar Detox Success Manual that INCLUDES pro tips & strategies to help you eliminate added sugar from your diet.
5 days of email coaching that’s packed with tips & tricks to help you stay on-track!
Sugar Detox Worksheet, designed to support you each day through the challenge.
Bonus 1: Sample 5 Day Meal Plan, with Complete Grocery List and Tips for swapping foods.
Bonus 2: 5 Day Sugar Detox Recipe Manual Complete with recipes from the sample meal plan and many extra recipes.
Bonus 3: Preparing for your 5-Day Sugar Detox" e-book.
Added Bonus 4: Your choose of either the "Master Your Metabolism" e-Book OR the "Alcohol & Menopause Cheat Sheet"
Normally $249
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